Friday, December 31, 2010

Website update: Priests

I'm going to have time to play both my druid and my priest, so as of today the posts will also include shadow and holy spec priests. Still my druid is my main, but since I'll be following priests now I figure I'll post up the information. As first order of priestly business:

  • For Holy priests, we’re increasing Chakra’s duration and changing Surge of Light so it can now from Flash Heal and Greater Heal and can crit.

The wording is a little messed up I think, but that was a GC typo error, not mine.

So my opinion is that if they want to fix priests in PvP they're going to need to do a lot more than this. It is a nice change, but with a 25% crit chance* the heal bonus that this Surge of Light change will give is minuscule.

The duration change on Chakra had hopefully be only the duration and not the cooldown. Increased cooldown on the Chakra would be terrible.

Upcoming feral changes

GC posted some disturbing information about feral spec druids on 12/28/2010.

  • Even after we fixed their mastery, Feral druid bleeds still do a lot of damage and are undispellable. We plan to shift some of that damage back to main attacks. They are also a little too hard to control. Given that they are already hard to root, snare, or polymorph, we think the fear immunity from Berserk is too much.
  • We’re buffing Wild Mushroom. It’s a cool spell that isn’t getting enough play.
  • Empowered Touch will now benefit from Regrowth as well. We’re also buffing the Glyph of Regrowth.
  • We are looking at Holy Concentration (after our most recent buff) and Omen of Clarity to make sure they don’t account for too much mana savings.

So we can expect harder mangle/shred but weaker bleeds. This is a bummer for me because I like gearing for mastery since it effects both tank and cat. If they nerf down bleeds too much it might not be worth it to stack mastery anymore which would make bear ever WORSE for survivability in PVP. They already nerfed down frenzied regeneration to almost useless (0.3% for 10 rage ticks).

On a side note, my main spec in WOTLK, Doomkin, is getting wild mushrooms adjusted. In my opinion they're going to need to make them instant cast AND do about twice as much damage to make them viable.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Aiming High quest

So I'm doing this Aiming High quest line for Fargo Flintlocke where your character gets launched from Flintlocke's cannon onto a horde zeppelin to place some explosives on the airship. Well, its the final part in the quest line before you can see the enchanting vendor and the quest is BUGGED! You end up standing in front of the cannon until it loads you in and it will then precede to do one of the following: Launch you into the middle of the ocean; Launch you 1 foot in front of the cannon.

I went ahead and put a petition in  but no luck so far.

Update: 9:06pm
My petition has been escalated! Hopefully a GM's boss will be able to give me quest credit :\

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I finally put down Cata for a bit to make a post! My druid is 83 and actually FERAL spec right now! All talents in bear form talents, I am a tank for instant dungeon queues. On my battlegroup, Ruid, its a 45 minute queue for DPS, less than a minute for tanks.

Thorns on a bear is a great way to start a pull, especially for large group of mobs. Mastery is an amazing stat for feral, while I feel its more of a secondary stat for Boomkin.

More news coming! I've been taking screenshots and after I'm 85 I'll take the time to post up a real solid update!